Joao Pedro Duarte

Sr Software Engineer at iFood

A front-end engineer with a passion for building products that truly impact people's life.

My journey into the world of technology began in the year 2012. At that time, I wanted to personalize my Blogger blog templates and functionalities. Fast-forward to today, and that spark has evolved into a passion for technology both professionally and academically.

On the professional front, I currently work at iFood, the largest food tech in Latin America, where I architect, build, and maintain products that impact the daily operations of over 350,000 restaurants in Brazil.

Academically, I am a Master's student in Software Engineering at the Informatics Center of the Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil. My research is focused on building, evolving, and experimenting with advanced code merging tools.

  1. MSc in Software Engineering - CIn (UFPE)

    My research is focused on code merging tools, more specifically structured and semi-structured tools.

  2. B.Sc. in Computer Science - CIn (UFPE)

    Graduated with honours (9.69/10)

  1. jun/2023 - current

    Sr Software Engineer - iFood

    Architect, build, and maintain products that impact the daily operations of over 350,000 restaurants in Brazil. Also, I'm responsible for mentoring and coaching junior developers.

    • React
    • Micro-frontends
    • AWS
    • Kubernetes
    • Terraform
    • CI/CD
  2. sep/2021 - feb/2023

    Software Engineer - CESAR

    Worked on designing and implementing frontend solutions for foreign costumers. Coordinated the migration of a legacy application using micro-frontends that impacted more than 15,000 users.

    • Angular
    • React
    • Micro-frontends
    • CI/CD
  3. jun/2021 - aug/2021

    Internship in Software Engineer - Viitra

    I've contributed in the development of a process mining tool for the National Council of Justice using Angular. Additionally, I implemented automated integration test suites using Cypress, configured GitLab CI/CD pipelines, and conducted deployments using Docker containers.

    • Angular
    • Docker
    • CI/CD
    • Gitlab
    • Cypress